about us
districts is a site directory created on Neocities for Neocities, aiming to make finding sites relevant to your interests easier. We sort sites into different categories, which sum up either the topic of the site or the interests of the person behind it.
Sites are listed alongside their buttons if they have any, and can be sorted into up to two districts. If a site would fit in more than two districts, we choose which to put it in based on what features most heavily on the site.
We do not inherently condone or agree with the opinions displayed on any site listed, and do not take responsibility for the content of any site besides our own. Downloads are at your own risk. We have no affiliation with Neocities itself, and do not have any affiliation with any other Neocities site.

— How do I get onto districts?
Seeking sites is something we do from time to time by ourselves. We'll search site tags, go through the global updates, and look through anything that finds its way across our feed. But if you want to be sure to be seen, we have an official request thread! there is a comment form on the bottom of the page. You can suggest other sites too, if your favourite site hasn't made it on here!
— I requested to be on here, but you haven't replied or added me yet?
districts is run by one person and one cat its actually ran by an idiot, so new listings very much depends on how we feel. We promise that we're not ignoring you, though!
All requested/scouted sites are added onto an external document first, where we can figure out which district they belong in and what to add to their description. There's usually a backlog, and this can mean it'll take longer to get on there. We try to make sure that requesters do get on there, though!
— Are there any requirements for getting on districts?
Not officially, no; though we do have some level of standards in that we don't add sites that have say, one or two mostly empty pages. We also do not add sites which only act as about pages.
Putting a district button on your site before we actually add you does not guarantee you will get onto the listings.
— Are there any things which will disqualify you from getting on districts?
We don't have many restrictions, but there are some, besides the usual reasons like lack of content –
- R18 content — if it's not suitable for workplace viewing, it's not on districts. R18 humor & tasteful/artistic nudity is not fine, but erotica, extensive dicussions of sex and pornographic images aren't;
- Businesses & advertisements — anything made exclusively for monetary gain does not go on districts. This, however, does not include artists having a commissions page or similar;
- Overly personal content — anything that tells you way too much about a person, or contains extremely personal details. This is for the safety of the site creator.
- Overly hateful content — no xenophobia, lgbtphobia, misogyny, ableism, harassment campaigns, ect.
— What is Purgatory actually for, anyway?
Purgatory is a weird district in that it represents multiple things. These are just some of the reasons why a site may be added to Purgatory –
- There's content on there, but its content is intentionally cryptic or hard to understand.
- The site doesn't qualify for a district, but its owner or the site itself have made an impact on the community.
- The site is fun to look around, even if it doesn't qualify for a district.
Due to not engaging much with the community on here, I rarely add sites on the basis of point 2. But you're free to suggest sites which may qualify!
— When will I get on the site/how often do you update?
We update when we update! We don't have an official schedule or anything of the sort.
— Will you add any more districts/a district for XYZ?
Currently we are not looking to open any more districts. We create districts on a 'need' basis, and find that for now the districts we already have cover the topics featured in the sites we have listed.
If you're certain we are missing something though, feel free to point it out! However, we ask that you name examples of sites that may be found on there or we'll probably dismiss it.
— Is there a districts discord server?
No; at least, not officially. We don't have the time or desire to maintain a discord and do not plan to create one at any point. You're free to make and join your own districts-focused servers, but we will not advertise them, take part in them or recognize them as an official server.